
Hafi Termite Proofing with Agenda 25 EC

Hafi Termite Proofing with Agenda 25 EC Hafi Termite Proofing with Agenda 25 EC Agenda 25 EC for Termite Proofing  Termites are social insects, working and living together in groups called colony. Each colony contains several types termite individuals (castes) which differ in body shape and behavior and each caste performs different tasks. These castes are identified as: Workers Soldiers-distinguished by their heavily armoured and pigmented heads Reproductives Subterranean-termites are the most destructive termites-in-Pakistan. They build their nests underground and can also construct mounds that go above ground level. Mature colonies may consist of more than 2 million individuals and the queens are capable of laying 2000 eggs per day. Termite-colonies may exist for as long as 50 years Behaviour The Worker Caste dominate the colony population, they are wingless, sterile and blind. Their primary role is to build the nest, tend the eggs and young, and ga...

Commercial Pest Control Services in Karachi

Commercial Pest Control Services in Karachi Commercial Pest Control Services in Karachi Pest Control Commercial Services Karachi As a business owner, you want the experience your customers have with your establishment to be exceptional and positive so they return again and again. There is nothing that scares off a potential client or a hopeful, lifelong customer more than if they see pests. You need the most thorough, trustworthy pest-control in the industry and you will have that with Hafi-Pest-Control . We understand how crucial the public opinion is to your success and we will do everything in our power to make sure your building is completely pest free. Preserving your business reputation Customer retention is your top priority because even the loss of just one potential client could mean a huge decrease in company revenue. If patrons encounter pests when dealing with your business, this could be to the detriment of your business as credibility is inevitably lost....

Residential Termite Control in Karachi

Residential Termite Control in Karachi Termite Control Treatment in Karachi The most common-termite homeowners deal with is the subterranean termite. This little insect is among the most feared when it comes to a pest infestation. The damage that termites are capable of is very costly to repair and they are quite difficult to get rid of. Only a professional-pest-control-technician really has the tools and capability to effectively remove a termite infestation. Termite methods are ineffective and unable to reach all the termites so knowing whether you have reached them all is near impossible without the right equipment. Professional residential termite control is extremely important when it comes to your home, one of your biggest assets.     What is termites? The termite world is quite organized and each termite has a job and a responsibility. They live in colonies forming three groups: the workers, the soldiers and the reproductives. The worker a...

Residential Pest Control Services in Karachi

Residential Pest Control Services in Karachi Pest Control in Karachi Residential Services When it comes to the major investment in your life, making sure you are protecting that asset in every way is vital to your financial security. One bad disaster within the four corners of your home is enough to financially ruin you. That is why year round residential-pest-control is so essential. Protection-your-home is not the only thing you need to care for. Some pests are a danger to your children and pets. Having them occupy and infest the walls and areas of your home can pose a great hazard to their health. When it comes to destructive and dangerous-pests, you need an experienced-team to help keep-you-safe.  Protecting your home Pest obliteration can happen at any time of the year and right under your nose. These silent invaders are determined to find food and shelter and your home is a veritable gold mine of resources for them. If they cannot find cracks or openings on...

Pest Management Group Bed Bugs Service-Karachi

Pest Management Group Bed Bugs Service-Karachi General Information and Identification  The chances are pretty high that you will have a run in with a bed bug. The number of establishments and homes that have had an infestation are on the rise. Bed-bugs have been found in hospitals , homes , army-barracks , restaurants , movie theaters, hotels , motels , schools , and office-buildings . The reason they get around is because they have adapted to become excellent hitchhikers.  General Information : Adult bed bugs are tan in color and will become more reddish after they have had a feast on your blood. Since they are about the size of half an apple seed, you can imagine the millions of places they can hide. Bed bugs are specially adapted to find you. They can sense your body heat and smell the carbon dioxide you exhale. When you are asleep, they come out of their hiding places, feed off of your body, and go back into hiding. If you think you will feel the bite, thi...